
Doreen Whitter Exhibition

In conjunction with Royal Greenwich Black History 365 we are delighted to present Vintage Voices by Doreen Whitter, an exhibition using photo manipulation to explore Black Female Identity & Women of Vintage – Empowerment, Connection & Discrimination.

On display now on the ground and first floors at Mycenae House during opening hours.

Doreen’s work is about identity and self image in the digital age of selfies, mobile phones and social media. Turning these things on their head, Doreen uses these instant means but carefully curates and manipulates her self portraiture in a unique, challenging and though provoking way.


Autumn 2023 Magazine

Our Autumn/Winter 2023 What’s On Magazine is out now, pop in and pick up a copy or read online via

Find out more about:
– the latest news and updates
– the regular programme of activities
– room hire for weddings + parties
– our Reach Out Projects
– upcoming live music, Black History Month and comedy club events


Summer Holidays 2023

Keep the children entertained throughout the 2023 summer holidays here at Mycenae House with an array of activities and classes for families & children, including Music, Drama, Engineering, Games, Theatre, Coding, Concerts & more! Enjoy our Family Friendly Café Bar, Free Wifi and the great outdoors in Mycenae Gardens!

24/26/28/31 July-2/4 Aug 9am-1pm
LinguaPlay Russian Club 3-6yrs

25-27 July 10am-4pm
Engineering Minds 5-11yrs

26-28 Jul + 4 Aug 10.45am + 12.15pm
Ukulele Workshops 2-7yrs

26 Jul + 7 Aug 10am-12pm
Paint A Pony family art workshop 7yrs+

Sunday 30 July 12-6pm
Summer Sizzler Free Family Festival All Ages

31 July-3 August 9.30am-3.30pm
Young Musicians Club 7-10yrs

Thursdays 3-24 August 10am + 11am
Baby Sensory birth-13mths

8-10 August 9am-3pm
JK Performing Arts 4+yrs

14-18 August 9am-3.30pm
Bo-Peeps Pre-School 3-5yrs

24 August 4pm
Bach To Baby concert All Ages

Mondays + Wednesdays 10am
diddi dance 16months – 5yrs


Aperture Woolwich Photographic Exhibition 2023

We are delighted to welcome back the Aperture Woolwich Photographic Society members for an exhibition of photographs of the finest quality.

The Society who meet weekly for training and mutual support have long set the standard for the best possible work made at a local level.

Come and enjoy their work during opening hours at Mycenae House throughout May and June 2023.

Visit to find out more about the Society.


Spring 2023 Magazine

Our Spring/Summer 2023 What’s On Magazine is due back from the printers soon, pop in and pick up a copy once it arrives or read online now via

Find out more about:
– the latest news and updates
– the regular programme of activities
– room hire for weddings, parties, meetings and conference
– our Reach Out Projects
– upcoming live music and comedy club events


September 2022 Magazine

Our What’s On September-December 2022 Magazine is out now, pop in and pick up a copy or read online via

Find out more about:
– the latest news and updates
– our Reach Out Projects partnerships with The John Roan School and person trainer Darren Holness
– the regular programme of activities
– upcoming live music events
– Christmas plans
and much more!


Summer Holiday Activities

Keep the children entertained throughout the summer holidays here at Mycenae House with an array of activities and classes for families & children, including Music, Drama, Engineering, Photography, Games, Animation, Theatre, Coding, Concerts & more! Enjoy our Family Friendly Café Bar, Free Wifi and the great outdoors in Mycenae Gardens!

24 July 11am-4.30pm Free Family Arts Festival All Ages

26-29 July 10am-4pm Engineering Minds 6-11yrs

Saturdays 30 Jul-20 Aug Early Years Music 0-6yrs

2 August 9.30-11 or 1-2.30 Fourtissimo! Fun Club 4yrs

3-4 August 9.30am-12pm Music Club Play Morning 5-6yrs

Thursdays 4-25 August 10am + 11am Baby Sensory birth-13mths

8-12 August 9am-3pm Bo Peeps Pre-School 2-4yrs

11 August 11am Baby Broadway concert All ages

15-19 August 9.30am-3.30pm Young Musicians Course 7-10yrs

17-19 August 9am-3pm JK Performing Arts Club 4-11yrs

25 August 10.30am Bach to Baby concert All ages

Mondays + Tuesdays various times Force 5 Taekwondo 3-12yrs

Mondays + Wednesdays 10am diddi dance 16months – 5yrs


Tanaz Assefi art exhibition

New art exhibition now on display running throughout March and April 2022 by Tanaz Assefi, Iranian Fine Artist & Painter.

“My greatest passion is the ‘art of expression’ on canvas using my chosen materials, be it pencil, paint, collage or physical making.”
Tanaz was born and raised in Iran, a land of contradictions where deserts and forests are a few miles apart; a land of snow covered mountains and green valleys where palm trees and apple trees grow only a few miles apart from one another. The extraordinary geographical and historical conditions have deeply influenced its culture and people.

Traditions and ceremonies are intertwined with an exotic blend of symbolism and metaphoric language; which is visible in our literature, art and handicrafts…

“…this is my heritage and a part of my being. As an artist, I have always been in search of a relationship between the mysterious and symbolic world of ideas and allegories which take place in mythology, poetry and dreams.”

Tanaz Assefi’s art is mainly based on her visual dream diaries which she’s been keeping for a number of years; where she expresses her inner self, dreams, memories and reflections.
Tanaz has a studio at Thames Side Studios, an artist community located next to the Thames Barrier.


Spring 2022 Magazine

Our What’s On Spring 2022 Magazine is out now, pop in and pick up a copy or read online via

Find out more about the activities and events that take place here which fall broadly into the following four sections:
Children & Learning
Arts & Leisure
Health & Wellbeing
Social Inclusion & Reach Out


Aperture Woolwich Photographic Exhibition

We are delighted to welcome back the Aperture Woolwich Photographic Society members after such a long time for an exhibition of photographs of the finest quality.

The Society who meet weekly for training and mutual support have long set the standard for the best possible work made at a local level.

Come and enjoy their work during opening hours at Mycenae House throughout November and December.

Visit to find out more about the Society.