Room Hire Rates

Our room hire rates for commercial clients are show below
(Monday-Saturday, closed Sundays).

Table Plugin

Wedding and Party Packages

We have packages prices for weddings and parties in our Main Hall on Saturdays.

The block booking charges for the Main Hall are:

  • 09.00 – 23.00    £1274
  • 13.00 – 23.00    £958
  • 17.00 – 23.00    £642

Hall hire for functions and parties during the week are charged at 70% of the Saturday hourly rate.

Tables and chairs plus use of our on-site café bar are included in the package.

We have two kitchens available for hire for an additional £100 each and we can recommend a range of caterers to suit your requirements and budget or you can use your own.

We can provide sound systems and lighting from £100, please ask for further details.

Affiliated Group Membership

Affiliation is available to local voluntary groups or organisations that offer open membership and do not operate as a commercial enterprise.

We also require that, where possible, all affiliated groups offer concessionary rates to students and to group members who are on low wages or who receive tax/pension credits or other means-tested state benefits.

Please note that Affiliated Group Membership is subject to approval of the Management Committee of Vanbrugh Community Association and the membership fee is £46 per annum.

If you are interested in becoming an affiliated group, please telephone us or email us.