Working Musically Alongside People with Dementia

Join Liv & Kevin from Sounds Better CIC for a fun and practical day in music-making alongside people with dementia. No experience necessary!

NAPA is deighted to announce the following training day led by Liv and Kevin from Sounds Better CIC, the day will introduce different participatory musical activities suitable for working alongside people living with dementia. It will be highly practical, participatory and experiential, leaving you with ideas you can implement immediately in your work. The Sounds Better directors have been working with people living with dementia for over forty years combined, and have a deep knowledge of both dementia and the impact of music for wellbeing.

There are just 20 places available on this training day

By the end of the day, you will have:
Understood the rationale and benefits of using music with people with dementia
Learned different musical and creative activities that can be implemented immediately in your group, setting or context
Experienced leading relevant musical activities
Connected with others in the field of music and dementia

Audience: The training is suitable for anyone who would like to introduce more music-making in to their work, or as a refresher course for people already using music in their work. You do not have to have any prior music-leading experience to attend the day.

Ticket price, per person £100 plus the eventbrite fee. For more information and to book visit


05 Sep 2024


10:00 am - 4:30 pm

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